On our trip on the shores of Corsika island in France we visited the Iles de Sanguinaires. A beautiful group of rocky islands that are crested with old genuvesian towers and new lighthouses.
Spectacular view of the island chain
pic by Carsten Pols showing "me"
The tower of the big Ilsands that is still in use.
On the westernmost point of Denmark we visited the Blavandshuk lighthouse, that was build in 1900 to protect the seafaring ships from the dangerous sandbanks around.
On our journey to Corsika we needed to stay one day in Livorno, an Italian harbour town, because of a lack of Ferries. So we had time to explore the maritime history of the city a little and came across the lighthouse which was build 1304, then destroyed in the second world war. Rebuilt in 1956 to match the old tower it´s white Light can reach 24 miles out into the sea nowadays. In the harbour we have seen the traditional Sailing Ship Amrigo Vespucci, an amazing craft.
If you like to use desktop pictures, you may find a suitable one for you between my 2010 collections. There are pictures from Norway, Corsika, Denmark, Sweden and Germany
On the Limfjord. Again we are very lucky with the weather. This time even 4 Seals follow us and are curious about our boats. Some ice on the shores. Yes its a perfekt first week of 2009.
Noerre Vorupoer is the southern neighbour of Klitmoelller and a famous surfer spot too. The perfekt conditions should bw Swell from the southern directions. We had nortehrn Swell, but even in those "bad " conditions it was one of our nicest surfing days.
The village is famous in denmark for the fishing boats are pulled up on the shore. There is no real Habour.
Hao was taking pictures in nice light conditions. Cathrin, Carsten and Me where having fun in Swell without wind. Something you don´t come across the baltic sea every day, where we come from.
No wind. Minus 7 degrees, Snow, no waves. What to do in the surfing paradise? Of course there is a back door. Just 30 Kilometer away form Klitmoeller stretches the Limfjord, a narrow band of brackish water that streches all across northern Denmark from coast to coast. Its easy to find a spot for day touring here:
Force 6 -7 Wind has send caos waves to our "home spot" Klitmoeller (The place we rent a holiday cabin). So went to see the famous spot Hanstholm first befor launching the boats. But the waves there were really ugly from our view. So we watched the wonderful lighthouse and tryed our luck on the home spot again.
Cathrins cool candle.
Pics from the sormy sea in front of Hanstholm Harbour and the nice lighthouse on top of a 65 meter high dune:
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I am a German thus no native english speaker, so please forgive me my spelling and grammar mistakes. At least this way I can practise it.